Thursday, June 23, 2011


My collage incorporates many elements that make up who I am. The most common theme that is present on my collage is family. My family is a big part of who I am because I spend so much time with them. I am from Knoxville so a picture of its landscape represents my hometown and also where I come from. Basketball is also a large part of not only my life but also my family’s lives as well. My father was a professional basketball player and both my brother and I play the game. My collage incorporates the history of my life so far with pictures of my family back at home and with pictures of my foundation in religion such as Jesus Christ. Faith in God is a large piece of my life because I grew up with it everywhere. This collage is a beacon for the things and people that matter most to me. This art piece helps me express myself and also express the interests I have in my life. Knoxville is my home, but my collage shows that history is what brought me here to Nashville to play Belmont Basketball. A Christian university that has a strong basketball background is perfect place for me and that is why I decided to put my university and collegiate sport on the collage. Things such as Facebook and twitter made it onto my collage because as modern social networks they are a part of my life and help or aid in the interaction between my friends and I. This collage helped me focus on the things that I really loved and the things that truly mattered to me. While creating this collage I decided to make my background white. I honestly chose solid white because it is said to represent “perfection”. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can also represent a successful beginning and my beginning or my history is what led me to add all the elements to this collage. The white background comes into full effect as I incorporate all the themes from the collage checklist. The combinations of all the things I had and have now are presented on my collage. My collage shows what I have and what I want in the future.

·      Decisions:  I chose to do a timeline type of collage.
·      Complementary colors:  I used complementary colors in the arrows when I used blue and red together.
·      Analogous colors: I tried to use analogous colors with the facebook and twitter signs. The blue facebook sign is adjacent to the blue-green twitter sign.
·      Saturated colors: The solid yellow in background of the Knoxville picture is an example of saturated colors.
·      Dull colors: The bulldog represents a dull color on my collage.
·      Warm colors: I included warm colors in the Belmont Bruins section of the collage.
·      Cool colors:  I used cool colors by mainly using white, which gives a cool coloring.
·      Light: To create a light and dark theme in my collage I have the left side of the collage light pictures fade to the dark pictures to the right side.
·      Texture: I used texture with the eclipse gum package.
·      Volume: The basketball represents weight.
·      Lines: I tried to create diagonal pictures making different forms of lines. Also, the blue and red arrows represent the timelines of my life from 2009-2011.
·      Implied lines: An example of an implied line would be the basketball lines that make it appear to be lines but in reality a basketball is made up by multiple dots.
·      Axis: The axis is the center picture of Jesus on the cross and the word “faith”. This represents Jesus dying for us to save our sins.
·      Space: I used spacing by picking the four main corners to represent a different thing.
·      Background: When thinking about what I wanted to do for my collage, the first thing that came to my mind was what colors do I want for my background. I honestly chose solid white because it is said to represent “perfection”. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can also represent a successful beginning.
·      Foreground: My foreground is mainly all the pictures of me.
·      Scale: I use scale by using a big picture of the basketball, 2 big pictures of Knoxville and Nashville, and the picture of my family.
·      Symbolism: For symbolism I used the cross. This says a lot about my faith and love for God
·      You:  There are many things that aren’t on the collage that makes me who I am today. For the most part, the things on my collage are most important in my life.
·      Friends and Family:  Friends and family play a huge factor in my life, and I have a picture in the left top corner of my family.
·      Town, Community, and School:  To show my community I have in the bottom left corner a picture of the city of Knoxville, where I was raised. Also, I went to Bearden high school and this is shown in the top left corner and then Belmont that is shown in the bottom right corner on the collage.
·      Country: I’ve always lived in the U.S so I have in the top center a map of the U.S. also the letters U.S.A.
·      World Today: I showed the world today by using the pictures of facebook and twitter because the world now depends on technology for a variety of things.
·      Art:  The city buildings represent art.

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